North Broadway Road Diet

North Broadway is will go down to one lane of traffic on (need relevant data including dates) as the road is reduced to three lanes, which will include a dedicated turning lane and bike path.
Road Diets have been studied by the Federal Highway Administration and are shown to have many benefits. The major benefits include the following:
  • An overall crash reduction between 19 to 47 percent.
  • Reduction of rear-end and left-turn crashes by removing left-turning vehicles from the through lane.
  • Reduction of sideswipe crashes due to eliminating the need to change lanes.
  • Reduction in left-turn crashes from vehicles in the outside opposing lane ‘hiding’ behind vehicles in the opposing inside lane.
  • Fewer lanes for pedestrians to cross.
  • The opportunity to install bicycle lanes when the roadway width is redistributed.
  • Reduced right-angle crashes as side street motorists must cross only three lanes of traffic instead of four.
  • Traffic calming and reduced speed differential, which can decrease the number of crashes and reduce the severity of crashes if they occur.
  • Simplifying lane selection for motorists (especially older and younger drivers) making left turns from or onto the mainline.
 To learn more about the North Broadway Road Diet Project, visit the Engineering Projects Page of our website.