Stormwater Rates

Stormwater Utility
The City established the stormwater utility in 2004 to help address the backlog of stormwater infrastructure improvement needs and to comply with EPA-mandated stormwater quality requirements.

Stormwater Management Plan
The EPA has mandated that all communities the size of Lebanon administer a stormwater management plan. In addition to keeping up with storm sewer infrastructure requirements, this plan requires the City to address and manage potential sources of stormwater pollution, including construction sites and household wastes. For more information regarding this program, please visit the Engineering Department page.

Pipe Upgrades
The City is responsible for maintaining more than 85 miles of storm sewer pipe, some of which is in deteriorating condition. The stormwater utility supports the upgrading of the pipe and catch basins that convey water away from properties and roadways.

Stormwater Drainage Infrastructure
Additionally, some roads and areas in Lebanon do not have adequate stormwater drainage infrastructure at all. As the City executes roadway improvement projects in these areas, the stormwater utility is used to install new drainage systems.

To support this utility, each resident is billed $3.90 per month, and non-residential properties are charged based on the amount of impervious area (rooftops, paved areas, etc) on their property.