Citizen Satisfaction Survey

LPD Patch TIFThe Lebanon Division of Police is internationally accredited through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) and has maintained this accreditation since 1986. The benefits of CALEA accreditation include greater accountability within the agency, reduced risk and liability exposure, stronger defense against civil litigation, staunch support from government officials, and increase community advocacy. CALEA requires that an accredited agency must be in compliance with nearly 500 individual professional standards. One such standard requires that the agency conduct a documented survey of citizen attitudes and opinions at least once every three years. The survey is designed to be used as a platform for organizational learning by asking specific questions about the quality of policing in the community. The survey questions and feedback will help us better serve you and the other citizens of Lebanon.

1.  In what zip code do you reside?

2. What is your age?

3. What is your gender?

4. Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.)

 American Indian or Alaskan Native
 Asian / Pacific Islander
 Black or African American
 White / Caucasian
 Multiple ethnicity / Other

5. If you have had contact with the Lebanon Division of Police, what was the reason?
 Victim of crime
 Witness or reporting party
 Subject of arrest, detention or traffic stop
 Community outreach / meeting

6. How satisfied were you with the overall competency level of the Lebanon Division of Police employee(s) with whom you have had contact?

 Very satisfied
 Very unsatisfied

7. How satisfied were you with the overall attitude and behavior of the Lebanon police officer(s) with whom you have had contact?

 Very satisfied
 Very unsatisfied

8.  How much confidence do you have in Lebanon Police officers/employees?

 A great deal of confidence
 Some confidence
 Little confidence
 Very little confidence

9. What do you feel is the greatest problem facing Lebanon?

 Domestic Violence
 Drug Use
 Noise / Nuisance Violations
 Traffic Violations
 Impaired Drivers

10.  How safe do you feel in the City of Lebanon?

 Very safe
 Very unsafe

11.  How effective do you believe the Lebanon Division of Police is at reducing crime?

 Very effective
 Very Ineffective

12.  How satisfied are you with the overall performance of the Lebanon Division of Police?

 Very satisfied
 Very unsatisfied

13.  Please add any comments that you would like to make about the Lebanon Division of Police and it's personnel.